Thursday, May 7, 2009


Someone just told me that my screenname, fmsbw***, is pretentious.
I don't think people quite understand the word.

Liking Dostoyevsky for the sake of telling people you've read the Brothers Karamazov is pretentious.
Reading the calculus textbook just so you can show everyone how good you are at calculus is pretentious.
Eating foie gras but not liking the taste is pretentious.
Listening to Beethoven to tell people you're high society is pretentious.

The fact that my screenname is a poem from an art movement I'm really interested in is not pretentious.
Taking notes on a textbook for a physics class is not pretentious.
Listening to Bach because your mother plays it in the car is not pretentious.
And for gods sake, liking Creme Brulee because it's fucking delicious is NOT pretentious.

Therefore, please stop calling me pretentious unless you sense that I'm doing stuff just so people think I'm high society. It's not my fault I like things that some people consider pretentious, that's just how things've worked out.

However, claiming that I know what's pretentious and what's not is pretty pretentious so uh, sorry


Anonymous said...

Dear Ryan,

I remember overhearing you tell Mr. Sullivan that you had read Ulysses JUST SO THAT YOU COULD SAY YOU HAD READ ULYSSES. But that you did not understand it. That book is fucking long. So, to continue reading it JUST SO YOU COULD SAY THAT YOU DID IS PRETENTIOUS.

Also, you are pretentious. Just deal with it.

Ryan F said...

I'm pretty sure there's no one in school named anonymous :(