Thursday, April 9, 2009


I saw a status on facebook which read as follows:
"Went to bed early, woke up early...FML"

First of all, what's so bad about waking up early? Secondly, how bad could your life possibly be if you get the chance to go to sleep so early? I wish I was as privileged. Finally, the time you wake up is nowhere near severe enough to warrant a "FML."
I liked that website a few months ago when it was novel; now all I ever see is "FML! FML!" "Just ate a bagel. FML." "School today, FML." "Won the Nobel Peace Prize. FML." Seriously? I want to start a mass mailing with this message:

Dear suburban teenager,
As you sit micromanaging your home business with your pink Blackberry in the backseat of mommy's Range Rover beside your gucci bag, carrying a second Blackberry should you decide to throw the first at your eigthieth ex-boyfriend, please take the time to consider this.
Your life is not "f***ed"
There are people worse off than you
Embarassing situations will not condemn your entire life
The stories on are far more interesting than yours
And those stories are all made up.
So while you update your status for the three hundredth time today, remember that "Sitting in car" does not warrant an FML.
Unless you want to say "Got chlamydia, FML." That would be funny as hell and you deserve it for being annoying.
Everyone else.

So send this message to all your friends because seriously,, unimportant things are not made funny with that stupid three letter addendum.

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