Thursday, November 27, 2008


I read other people's blogs and no one reads mine. It's hideously depressing. maybe I should put labels on this post or something.

Everyone says
"You're in, you're in!"
But still you know,
There's not just an in,
For three weeks drag on,
Stalled cars on side streets,
Just waiting for answers.
The tow truck won't come
but for not a truck in tow
do you wait,
but a letter
THE letter!
Pinned to the back
and still weeks must you wait.
With the letter, your fate
10 percent yes, and still 90 no,
And you sit here and pray
but that's all you can do
a minute, one day
and one day, a year
a week is a lifetime
And never, I fear
Will my tow truck come in
With a "YES!" on the back

And so for the 15th, I wait and I sigh
For that day life begins
Or that day, I'll die.

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