12AM, July 7th. Best Day Begins.
Me, Paul, Ashley and Danielle had just finished playing a few rousing games of blokus and were sitting around the table playing with the pieces on the board. Paul decided to put the four cross pieces in the middle. Then, we decide to all put the same pieces down. We kept going for a while, then finally placed down our long five, corner three, line four, line three, two and one pieces... and got this.
Yeah. How fucking awesome is that. HOW FUCKING AWESOME IS THAT, YEAHHHHHHH.
Okay, so after the spiral we had about and hour of picture taking and merriment because we were still stunned with how awesome we were, my friends left and we went to sleep.
10AM- 3PM, work. Doesn't matter, stood by a computer and looked pretty.
Paul texts, "CAT DROPPED OUT, WE NEED A THIRD PERSON TO COME TO RICHARD CHEESE TONIGHT!" Of course, I new exactly who I needed to call, Kyle. Me, Paul and Kyle were all going to see Richard Fucking Cheese.
On the L train, going towards Williamsburg. Paul and I had been sitting and chatting, when suddenly, some fat lady in a black dress, who had been encroaching upon my personal space the whole train ride, turns to the lady next to her and says "Look here. Not a single lady sitting down in this whole row. Look at what kind of world we're coming to. No manners. None of these men even offered to get up."
She gazed angrily at Paul and I.
"Uh, do you want to sit? I'll get up, I didn't realize." I said.
"No, it's fine. I don't want to sit."
"Uh, okay."
Three seconds pause, and then, very melodramatically, "I just wish your generation would realize the importance of chivalry. I mean, who taught you these awful manners? How on earth were you raised?"
Paul and I looked at each other and at the same time said,
"Yeah, that's why." She said.
"Yeah, that's why." She said.
"Well, you know," said Paul, "Rosa Parks did some great things by not getting up. I mean, just imagine..."
She didn't like that answer. "Maybe one day you two will grow up and learn the importance of chivalry."
We arrived at our station and sprinted off the train.
8PM- 11PM, Richard Cheese.
Though the show was 18 and older, Paul and I got in, and Kyle arrived soon after, for the greatest concert experience I've ever had. After Natalie Gelman, the opener who was alright but absolutely bangin', Richard Cheese came on. His act was two hours of lounge singing, molesting audience members, and making fun of the drunk people who yelled shit out. Never have I laughed so hard in my entire life. At one point, he walked down into the audience right behind our row and turns to a man with long hair. He turns to the man, then to his girlfriend, and begins to sing, "Somebody told me that you had a boyfriend who looked like a girlfriend..." Seriously, bliss. Everything from Cheese's comic delivery to his bashing of "Matt" who screamed out "I DRINK IT" when he warned about the dangers of bubble fluid to Markos and Missy who were just friends but would be "More than that by the end of the night" to Sasha who wandered around the theater until he trapped her in a "chair prison," then later in the show took her top off so she wouldn't have to sit down, to his throwing a bottle of bubbles down a girls shirt, to the "Richard Cheese Dancers" Kickline at the end of "Down With The Sickness" was fantastic. Everything, best concert ever.
THEN WE MET MATT ON THE SUBWAY RIDE HOME (which smelled like a bathroom with a toilet made of meat, then dumplings)
He was a twat, but whatever. Fucking rad.
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