Friday, December 26, 2008
Complain complain
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Everyone says
"You're in, you're in!"
But still you know,
There's not just an in,
For three weeks drag on,
Stalled cars on side streets,
Just waiting for answers.
The tow truck won't come
but for not a truck in tow
do you wait,
but a letter
THE letter!
Pinned to the back
and still weeks must you wait.
With the letter, your fate
10 percent yes, and still 90 no,
And you sit here and pray
but that's all you can do
a minute, one day
and one day, a year
a week is a lifetime
And never, I fear
Will my tow truck come in
With a "YES!" on the back
And so for the 15th, I wait and I sigh
For that day life begins
Or that day, I'll die.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Annotated LHS Dictionary
Okayy Ryan.
Okayyy(int.)- Term used to show recognition.
Okayyy Ryan, trah-na eat!
I see you(int.)- Lookin' good!
Okayyy Ryan, I see you, those shoes are mad fresh.
tight(adj.)- Angry, flustered.
Fuck, he's gotta stop cuttin'. I'm so tight right now!
irate(adj.)- tight
I couldn't play pong tonight. I'm irate!
to cut(v.)- to taunt/dis
Yo Jensi, trah-na cut!
to cut ass(v.)- to taunt harshly.
Oh shit, Stanton be cuttin' ass!
mad(adj)- very
Yo Andre, yo' new kicks are mad nice.
oh, nah! (ex.)- That can't be true!
-David, I don't think I can give you a ride home.
-Oh, nah!
It's been a while again.
Princeton interview Monday, Harvard interview next week. Term paper I haven't yet started due December 8th. Scholarship applications. Stanford says I 'm missing a teacher recommendation, I hear back December 15th. Prepare for Model Congress. Get shirts. LMCXXXIX. Road test December 23rd.
January 1st, bliss.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
The Definitive Guide to Taking the SATs and ACTs for the Nervous Testtaker
I ended up scoring pretty high.
Anyway, for anyone who's interested in what I do before each test, maybe this guide will help you.
Kvetching about your standardized tests will get you nowhere, but sometimes people can't just eliminate their stress. However, here are a few things I do to relieve stress a bit:
1. Take your mind off the test.
-The less you think about the test, the less stressed you get. Try going out for dinner the night before instead of taking one last practice test.
-The morning of the test, think about how great it'll be after the test is over.
-Sleep less. This works especially well for the SATIIs because they're shorter and for the ACTs which require less reasoning. If you think about being tired, you don't think about testing
2. Do something stress relieve-y.
-Bike to the test center
-Squeeze those stress reliever ball things
-(or the other balls... You know what I'm talking about...)
-Listen to music you'd normally listen to to get to sleep!
-Take a good shit. Really, it's great before a test.
Hey, if you think it's working for you, it'll work for you.
1. Lucky writing utensil!
2. Talisman of sort?
3. Anything you do for luck really.
Don't dress to impress. It's a test for chrissakes.
1. Take the test in PJs. It's fantastic.
2. Shower or brush your teeth right before the test. If you don't feel clean you won't focus on the test.
3. Guys- wear boxer briefs. Maximum Support!
Girls- your most comfortable undies. Comfort starts from underneath!
1. Eat enough so you aren't hungry for breakfast, but don't eat so much that you feel full. Feeling hungry or full only takes your mind off the test.
2. Don't sleep too much or too little. Either way, you'll be tired. Don't go to bed at the crack of dawn, but don't go to bed as if you were in preeschool.
1. Don't cram. You'll forget all of that stuff at the time of the test anyway.
2. It's only as fun/boring/stupid as you make it. Go into the test center and act like you're just hanging out with your friends. Convince yourself the test is fun and maybe it'll be fun.
oh yeah, and maybe sign up for a tutor or something. that shit don't help anyway.
But seriously, just try to make yourself as happy, relaxed, and comfortable as possible and your 650+s and 30+s will come.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Fucking Consumer...
Electro's the music rage with all of the Frenchies and their Justice and DatA and Danger and SebastiAn and Kavinsky and Arpanet and Daft Punk's new album looming in the distance and so on and so forth...
But today, I'm listening to something new... or rather, ten years old.
I'm digging back to the roots of this Synthpop Electroclash French Electro House Condominium business with I-F's Space Invaders are Smoking Grass, the originator of the Electroclash movement.
I-F - Space Invaders are Smoking Grass
Friday, August 29, 2008
So Alice and Bob...
This is quoted directly.
"Suppose Alice has a qubit that she wants to teleport to Bob. This qubit can be written generally as:
Our quantum teleportation scheme requires Alice and Bob to share a maximally entangled state beforehand, for instance one of the four Bell states
Alice takes one of the particles in the pair, and Bob keeps the other one. The subscripts A and B in the entangled state refer to Alice's or Bob's particle. We will assume that Alice and Bob share the entangled state .
So, Alice has two particles (C, the one she wants to teleport, and A, one of the entangled pair), and Bob has one particle, B. In the total system, the state of these three particles is given by
Alice will then make a partial measurement in the Bell basis on the two qubits in her possession. To make the result of her measurement clear, we will rewrite the two qubits of Alice in the Bell basis via the following general identities (these can be easily verified):
The three particle state shown above thus becomes the following four-term superposition:
Notice all we have done so far is a change of basis on Alice's part of the system. No operation has been performed and the three particles are still in the same state. The actual teleportation starts when Alice measures her two qubits in the Bell basis. Given the above expression, evidently the results of her (local) measurement is that the three-particle state would collapse to one of the following four states (with equal probability of obtaining each):
Alice's two particles are now entangled to each other, in one of the four Bell states. The entanglement originally shared between Alice's and Bob's is now broken. Bob's particle takes on one of the four superposition states shown above. Note how Bob's qubit is now in a state that resembles the state to be teleported. The four possible states for Bob's qubit are unitary images of the state to be teleported.
The crucial step, the local measurement done by Alice on the Bell basis, is done. It is clear how to proceed further. Alice now has complete knowledge of the state of the three particles; the result of her Bell measurement tells her which of the four states the system is in. She simply has to send her results to Bob through a classical channel. Two classical bits can communicate which of the four results she obtained.
After Bob receives the message from Alice, he will know which of the four states his particle is in. Using this information, he performs a unitary operation on his particle to transform it to the desired state :
- If Alice indicates her result is
, Bob knows his qubit is already in the desired state and does nothing. This amounts to the trivial unitary operation, the identity operator.
- If the message indicates
, Bob would send his qubit through the unitary gate given by the Pauli matrix
to recover the state.
- If Alice's message corresponds to
, Bob applies the gate
to his qubit.
- Finally, for the remaining case, the appropriate gate is given by
Teleportation is therefore achieved.
Experimentally, the projective measurement done by Alice may be achieved via a series of laser pulses directed at the two particles."
Hey, thanks wikpedia. I'm glad to know that two random computer engineers know so much about quantum computing that if necessary Alice and Bob could stay in touch via quantum teleportation.Someone may think "oh, but Ryan, it's so much easier to understand quantum computing this way!" Yeah, well. I always thought situations were more for, say, "Alice has five apples. She gives three to Bob. How many apples does Alice have now?"
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I GOT A 35
Math- 34
English- 36 (Essay -12)
Reading- 33
Science- 35
Thursday, June 26, 2008
If you don't like it, fuck you, no one said you had to see them.
Biology-M 780
Mathematics Level 1 770
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Yeah well
Well, Daft Punk used a sample on almost every song on Discovery, and let me tell ya- some of those samples were certainly not cited in the liner notes.
The KLF revolutionized sampling and caused a big commotion over it, but now that's all subsided and they're considered the parents of modern Dance music.
Girl Talk's albums are made almost entirely of samples.
So deal.
Monday, June 23, 2008
We're pretty big overseas...
I just gave this album a listen through, Marvelous. New favorite band status. Here's a download. Buy the album, get a t-shirt, etc.
Crystal Castles- XXZXCYZC ME (zShare)
Take this file too. In the hipster community this band's gettin' pretty big, but we know what I think about hipsters. Really good song, nonetheless.
Danger-11h30 (zShare)
Now playing: Crystal Castles - Alice Practice
via FoxyTunes
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Discover me!
I have no meter, no rhythm, no time.
If only by the grace of some god I could get
Enough talent to make the words flow from my head,
I'd write every day,
I'd get a good pay,
And writers from afar would quote what I say.
I wish that I could be real pretentious and cool,
I'd be loved by teachers from every school.
At some young age I'd be sure to retire
I'd live far away and be even more admired.
While living abroad I'd write even more
About my childhood, my life, and other personal lore,
And for every stanza that I'd create
Another hundred dollars in royalties I'd make.
Of course, a day like this will never be-
This poem alone took an hour, at least.
The rhymes were cliché,
What rhymes with cliché?
I KNOW! Cliché doesn't rhyme with cliché, okay!
But anyway from the main point I digress,
That to be a poet I must hope for the best.
And since poets today make nothing anyway,
I'll just use my poems like this- to complain.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Control Yourself 2
Yeah fuck that, I hate hipsters. I'm going to go Z100 again.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
It's June!
Took SAT IIs today, hope I got some 800s.
Plus, exec board positions for model congress. were announced. I'm finance chair! It's not really what I wanted, but I'm definitely satisfied that I'm on board
Otherwise, nada. I can smell the end of the hell that is junior year.
Friday, May 30, 2008
This is what my life is like.
My god. J.D. Salinger must have been my father.
PS, if you were linked here from my facebook status, you were probably able to solve the new cryptic status I put up. This one was an easy one, more encrypted statuses to come.
Monday, May 26, 2008
That is full of win.
Now playing: Will Smith - Fresh Prince Theme
via FoxyTunes
Thursday, May 22, 2008
and not only did we play Tchaikovsky's fourth in band...
Critical Reading- 730 (97th percentile)
Math- 800 (99th percentile)
Writing- 770 (99th percentile)
Overall- 2300!
AND I got my all state score back- 99 out of 100
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Control Yourself!
As of now I am far from hip but on the rebound, though the music that I really have had access to has been that on fuse, pandora, and random local discoveries.
Anyway, my current favorite band is MGMT, a Brooklyn based electroclash duo who refesr to its music as "psychedelic-surf-jungle pop." This band is on a major record label (Interscope) and their song "Time to Pretend" is currently in the fuseTV top 10. However, my very favorite song of theirs is "Kids," a whiny but boppy piece of synthpop gold.
The video here is an unofficial one directed by some unknown music video director who makes videos for unsigned LA bands and who made this video to promote his business... I hope he makes it big, this video is awesome.
I want to meet the girl with the painted widows peak.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Kid Robot!
For those who do not know what a Dunny is, it's just a vinyl action figure shaped like a rabbit in which kidrobot hires artists to paint 3- or 8- inch ones to sell in their stores. They come in blind assorment, which means you don't know which doll you've got until you open the box.
Munnys are 7- or 3- inch white vynil dolls you can paint yourself that look like Monkeys.
Some of my favorite artists have painted Dunnys. For example, Dalek, my current favorite artist, did a whole set. For those of you who haven't heard of Dalek, you've probably seen his work- the space monkey from Tony Hawk Underground 2 is one of his creations :
He created a whole set of Dunnys for kidrobot. Here are some of them:
I want them. All of them.
So please, everyone, buy them for me. Buy me ANY Dunny. I don't care WHICH artist did them.
Thanks guys.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Friday AP US History
Monday AP Biology
Two weeks after -SAT II Bio and Math1
Three weeks after- ACT
Four weeks after- finals + 12 Page bio term paper due
On another note, my brother's birthday was today and we went to the top of the Empire State Building and ate pizza. It was quite delicious.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Standardized Tests...
Some fancy words I've learned:
Eulogy- praise
Ebullient-thrilled by a victory
Egregious-outstandingly bad
On another note, I take web design in school and I have to write a daily blog for it, so here's the link:
Don't worry reader(s), I'll update this one as often as usual.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I am so unbearably cool.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Hi Aya! good to know at least one of my friends reads my blog.
I read an article on a teenage repellent this morning- "The Mosquito." This thing blasts a high pitched (17.4 kHz) noise at 85 decibels, which a little less loud than a train whistle at 500', is used to annoy teenagers, as mostly teenagers and young adults can hear this sound.
My stance?
At my house there is a mouse repellent that screeches at 18kHz at 90dB. However, there is a dog option if you have an animal which screeches at 19kHz at 85dB. Ours is set to the latter, and it sounds like this:
bweeeEEEPP! bweeeEEEP! bweeeEEEP! (but it doesn't stop...)
My parents can't hear it. To me, it's like audible death. I no longer watch television in this room because of how horrible the sound is (and this room has the best TV in the house!).
So my stance is that this is child abuse. Instead of warning the loitering teens, these devices automatically punch them in the ear to get them away. As a teen, one who has loitered, I know that a kind police officer saying "Yo kids, leave!" is far better than being punched in the ear. Also, one example used in the article was a kid who had the Mosquito attached to his apartment building. Why doesn't the landlord just ask the kid and his family to move out? We make such a big deal about police brutality and I feel this is the same thing, only instead of hitting us or shooting us, this device is beating our earlobes in.
I rest my case.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
(no one- don't babelfish, it doesn't work.)
Non voglio fare i compiti. Oggi e` il piu bello giorno in tutto il mese ma devo stare a casa a fare due ore del mio comptio di italiano, biologia, matematica, e inglese. E anche mi fa male mio stomaco. FERMA, STOMACO! Solo voglio andare fuori e dormire nell'erba ma invece siedo nella mia camera, scrivo nel mio blog (CHE NESSUNO LEGGE) e aspetto per una partita di calcio a comincare (Juve v. Milan penso)
Domani e` venerdi, grazie Dio, il prossimo settimana non avro` scuola. Dormiro` per dieci giorni.
Caro nessuno,
Per favore, aiutami mentre siedo e faccio niente. Mi leggi un libro. Mi fai una pizza.
Mi dipingi una pitture.
ps.- Mi piace "R." E` come "V" dal film.
che bella.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
What Kurt Vonnegut thinks about writers strikes...
"Young Castle called me 'Scoop.' 'Good morning, scoop. What's new in the word game?'
'I might ask the same of you.'
'I'm thinking of calling a general stroke of all the writers until mankind finally comes to its senses. Would you support it?'
'Do writers have a right to strike? That would be like the police or the firemen walking out.'
'Or the college professors.'
'Or the college professors,' I agreed. I shook my head. 'No, I don't think my conscience would let me support a strike like that. When a man becomes a writer, I think he takes on a sacred obligation to produce beauty and enlightenment and comfort at top speed.'
'I just can't help thinking what a real shaking up it would give people if, all of a sudden, there were no new books, new plays, new histories, new poems...'
'And how proud wuold you be when people started dying like flies?' I demanded.
'They'd die more like mad dogs, I think- snarling and snapping at each other and biting their own tails.'
I turned to Castle the elder. 'Sir, how does a man die when he's depravedof the consolations of literature?'
'In one of two ways,' he said, 'petrescence of the heart or atrophy of the nervous system.'
'Neither one very pleasant, I expect,' I suggested.
'No,' said Castle the elder. 'For the love of God, both of you, please keep writing!'"
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Higgs Boson
So particle physicists are looking for a new particle called the Higgs Boson. This is basically because in some calculations pertaining to the weak nuclear force (W and Z bosons) there are infinities that pop up in the calculations. Physicists believe that if they find this Higgs boson it will be the final touch, the cherry on the cake, of particle physics. In fact, scientists have built the large hadron collider at the CERN laboratories in Geneva in order to find this particle.
Two problems I have with science begin to take hold.
What if they don't find this Higgs boson? Well, it is the belief of some that we may have to redo the entire standard model. That means what we know forces occurring between particles, the model scientists have been working on since 1900, will have to be redone.
This is not what worries me.
What worries me is that scientists can't assure us that colliding these particles won't lead to the apocalypse.
One thing critics worry about is the possibility of creating a black hole and I hope that this is not the case. Though scientists say that the black hole would be very small even if it was created, and would be ejected into the atmosphere. But what if it isn't? What if a black whole big enough to engulf the whole planet is made?
Another things critics worry about is the possibility of creating a strangelet. A strangelet is a particle with an up quark, a down quark, and a strange quark. If the strange matter hypothesis is correct, however, every particle that comes in contact with the particle of strange matter would become strange matter. Much like the ice nine of Kurt Vonnegut's Cats Cradle led to the apocalypse, so too would this strangelet end the real world.
Though these worries may seem paranoid, scientists haven't said that these things won't happened. When asked, in fact, one scientist said that there was a one-in-fifty million chance that an apocalyptic situation as mentioned above would occur.
I don't want to hear that there is any chance that scientists may accidentally destroy the planet.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Not like anyone reads this anyway.
Other bad team names- the East Rockaway Rocks. Why don't the Brewers just call themselves the Milwaukee Walks?
Or how about the Friends Academy Quakers? They aren't even assosciated with the quaker faith.
Speaking of this, I really wish Lawrence used the phrase "tornado watch is in effect" more. It sounds really corny, but awesome.
Well, peace out no one.